10 unexpected places you can find bed bugs

Bed bugs are most often found in or around your bed. But did you know, bed bugs travel and can be found just about anywhere? They are small and therefore capable of hiding just about anywhere. 

Experts at hide and seek, here are 10 unexpected places you can find bed bugs.


1. Electrical outlets/ light switches 

2. Airplane seats 

3. Books

4. Purses and bags  

5. Behind wallpaper

6. Stuffed animals

7. Behind picture frames 

8. On school buses

9. Inside appliances and electronics 

10. Coat checks


Of course, if you suspect that you may have bed bugs, you should also inspect your furniture, suitcases, clothing and the bottoms of your shoes.  Use a detection monitor as a handy tool to aid in identifying infestations. 

Outside of the home, bed bugs have been found on public transit, hotels and motels, libraries, office buildings, movie theatres, schools, daycares, college/university residences, nursing homes and hospitals. 


Want to learn more about bed bugs? Read more below:

Steps to prevent bed bugs

Best method to control bed bugs

What to do if your neighbour has bed bugs

How can I be sure the bed bugs are gone for good?

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