




Catchmaster® Clear Window Fly TrapSDS 

Catchmaster® Cold Temperature Rodent Glue TrapSDS 

Catchmaster® Crawling Pest & Insect TrapsSDS 

Catchmaster® Fly Light Glue BoardsSDS 

Catchmaster® GLOstik Flying Insect Trap SDS 

Catchmaster® Luma Flying Insect TrapSDS 

Catchmaster® Mini Gold StickSDS 

Catchmaster® Mouse & Insect Glue BoardsSDS 

Catchmaster® Mouse & Insect Glue TrapsSDS 

Catchmaster® Pantry Pest Moth Glue TrapsSDS 

Catchmaster® Rat, Mouse & Snake Glue TrapsSDS 

Catchmaster® Roach & Insect MonitorSDS 

Catchmaster® Roach Lure TabsSDS 

Catchmaster® Scented Fly RibbonSDS 

Dissolve-It - SDS | Label

Earth Care Odour Remover BagSDS 

Earth Care Pet Odour RemoverSDS 

Exterminator Dust - SDS | Label

Green Way Ant Bait GelSDS | Label

InVade Hot Spot+ - SDS | Label 

Invade Bio FoamSDS | Label

Knock Down Cockroach Killer (KD101) - SDS | Label 

Knock Down Diatomaceous EarthSDS | Label

Knock Down Pro Bed Bug & Flea Killer (KD111)SDS | Label

Knock Down Pro 153 RTU Multi-Site (KD153DP)SDS | Label

Knock Down Professional Flying & Crawling Insect KillerSDS | Label 

Konk 499 Crawling Insect Killer - SDS Label 

Konk Hornet & WaspSDS | Label

Konk Insecticide Foam ll - SDS | Label

LDD Moth (formerly Gypsy Moth) Milk Carton Trap Kit (5/pkg)Label

Liquid Flying Insect Bait 1L SDS | Label

Mhouse Refillable Bait StationSDS | Label

Mosquito-Less Ready To Use Spray (900ml) SDS Label

Natural Catch Fruit Fly TrapSDS

OnGuard Bed Bug Killer - SDS | Label

OnGuard Liquid Animal RepellentSDS | Label

OnGuard PD 5 - SDS | Label

OnGuard Pro-Perm Insect Killer - SDS | Label

OnGuard Professional P-22 RTU 3.78L - SDS | Label

OnGuard Total Insect 400g - SDS | Label

Orange Guard Home Pest Control - 3.79L - SDS | Label

Orange Guard Home Pest Control - 946mlSDS | Label

Provoke Professional Mouse AttractantSDS 

Provoke Professional Rat AttractantSDS 

Puroguard Ready-To-Use Insecticide 1L - SDS | Label

Rat Zapper® Ultra Rat TrapSDS 

Roban Barrier Rodent ExcluderSDS | Label

Safer's® Critter Ridder® Animal RepellentSDS | Label

Safer's® Critter Ridder® Liquid Animal Repellent - 940 ML - SDS | Label

Safer's® Ant & Crawling Insect Killer (Diatomaceous Earth)SDS | Label 

Safer's® BTK Biological Insecticide ConcentrateSDS | Label

Safers® Japanese Beetle Trap - SDS

Safer's® Insecticidal Soap Ready-To-Use SpraySDS | Label

Safer's® Slug & Snail KillerSDS | Label

Safer's® Sticky Strips Insect TrapsSDS 

Saniblend RTU Lemon Quaternary Disinfectant SDS | Label

TERRO® Clothes Moth AlertSDS 

TERRO® Multi-Surface Liquid Ant BaitsSDS | Label

TERRO® Pantry Moth TrapsSDS 

TERRO® Roach Magnet SDS 

TERRO® Yellow Jacket Trap - SDS 

Tomcat® Mouse Killer Refillable Bait StationSDS | Label

Tomcat® Rat Killer Refillable Bait Station & BlocksSDS | Label

Tomcat® Mouse Killer Disposable Bait Station - SDS | Label

Tomcat® Spin Trap for Mice (pkg/2)Label

Victor® Fast-Kill® Brand Refillable Mouse Bait Stations SDS | Label

Victor® Multi-Kill Electronic Mouse TrapSDS 










Welcome to Pest HQ! Your online source for a complete range of pest control products.

Pest HQ was created to meet the needs of the Canadian homeowner or tenant/renter who wants to control their pest problem on their own, the "Do It Yourselfer".   There is always the DIY person who wants to save money.  That’s great, but if not done properly you may be making an easy problem worse. 

Where can you turn for solutions that make sense?  Pest HQ. We have it all, from naturally derived insecticides, to snap traps, glue boards and live traps. 

But it is just as important to supply the knowledge required to do this properly…and legally!  You can always go to the major online retailer, or to the big box stores, but when you have a question or concern who do you ask?  Here you can find out what pest you have, why they are bugging you, and how to make them go away and never return…hopefully!

You might need help in knowing what insect is causing the bites on your arm or chewing a hole in your clothes.  You may want to know your safer or other options, besides just an aerosol can of bug spray or a plastic bait station.

Did you know that when some insects are sprayed with a pesticide they actually increase in population?  That a carpenter ant can travel the length of a football field in search or food?  And that there are some insect and wildlife problems that really require a Professional Pest Control company, or you risk injury, property damage or both.

 Pest HQ is run by pest control professionals that have over 100 years combined experience in dealing with pest control products on all levels.  We’ve written hundreds of articles on Insect ID, monitoring, inspection and control available for your pest problem.  Just as importantly, we have a direct, long-term relationship with the leading suppliers in the business, who we gladly support.

You are on a mission, and need the road map, resources and products to get you to your goal, a pest free environment. 

Trust Pest HQ to be there when you need it!




Pest HQ will build the greatest customer satisfaction and enthusiasm through:

• Innovative product offerings.

• Insect identification and in-depth resources to help you distinguish which pest you are dealing with.

• Affordable quality and timely delivery.

• Proper stewardship of all products.

• Our foremost focus is the well-being of our customers.


We offer the highest quality products available to the consumer from the most reputable manufacturers around the globe. From insects to rodents, if you have a pest problem, Pest HQ is your solution!


Pest HQ is committed to helping Canadians tackle unwanted pests. Whether you live in an urban or rural area, one way or another, you will run into pests at some point.

Protect your biggest investment.

Whether you own your own home, are renting or are managing properties - we are here to provide the largest ONE STOP SHOP in Pest Control. We are dedicated to educating Canadians on all things Prevention, Inspection and Elimination.

We are very proud to offer Natural products