How landlords can prevent bed bugs

Bed bugs are the pest of nightmares. They emerge at night to suck your blood, causing itchy red welts and emotional distress. They move easily between locations by hitching rides on personal belongings. They excel at hiding.


Once introduced, one or two bed bugs can quickly infest a home. If the population grows, the pests can crawl through cracks in walls into adjacent units.


If your long-term or short-term rental property is found to have bed bugs, you may face crippling litigation and social media scrutiny.


To reduce the risk of bed bugs, the experts at Pest HQ urge the following:


Perform preventive treatment before tenants move in

·         Apply Diatomaceous Earth (DE) under baseboards near beds and along shared walls to kill bed bugs and prevent them from moving between units.

·         In short-term rentals, apply DE to baseboards, bed frames, nightstands and headboards every six months. Learn how.

·         Install encasements on mattresses and box springs. Give encasements to tenants to install prior to move-in to prevent and/or trap bed bugs hiding in crevices.



·         Know the signs of bed bug activity.

·         Use a high-powered flashlight and mirror to regularly inspect bed bug hot spots.

·         Vacuum short-term rental mattresses and bedroom furniture during inspection using a professional-grade HEPA vacuum to remove bed bugs and eggs.



·         Install discrete bed bug lures, traps and monitors and check them during inspections. Give the inexpensive devices to tenants and show them how to install and monitor them.

Assure tenants that anyone can pick up bed bugs accidentally. By installing monitoring devices, and with their feedback, you can respond fast to get rid of bed bugs as needed.  


Read more:

How and where to apply Diatomaceous Earth

Early signs of bed bug infestations

Best methods to control bed bugs

How can I be sure the bed bugs are gone for good?


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