10 Best Rat Trapping Tips for Homeowners
Rats are probably one of the most unwanted house & garden guests EVER. Tip# 1 - MAKE SURE YOU USE THE RIGHT TRAP - Use traps that are specifically designed for trapping rats. You will not catch a rat with a mouse trap. Tip #2 - USE MORE THAN ONE TRAP - This will...
My neighbour has a compost heap and now we have rats!
My neighbour has a compost heap and now we have rats! Composting food waste is great for the environment. It’s not so great for the community when the compost attracts rats. A Pest HQ Facebook commenter recently complained about her neighbour’s rodent-prone compost heap. “This is ridiculous. And dangerous,”...
Guests are arriving soon, and I just saw a mouse!
Nothing disrupts family gatherings like the arrival of an unwanted visitor, and we don’t mean crazy uncle Joe. No, we’re talking about an even more embarrassing and upsetting interloper -- a mouse. Mice can destroy your home’s insulation, food and stored items. They’re known to chew electrical wires, causing fires. Plus,...
5 steps for DIY rat and mouse control
It’s worrisome to see a mouse in your home or a rat in the yard. Not only can rodents make you sick, but their gnawing causes considerable damage to cars and homes. They’ve even been known to start fires by chewing up the electrical wiring. It’s best to get...
Preparing Your Home Against Pests in Fall
Fall can be a beautiful season. Temperatures are starting to turn cooler and the leaves are changing colour. It's a busy season for wildlife as they find and store food and look for a nice cozy home in preparation for winter. Pests are no different. Rodents, squirrels, roaches, and other insect pests tend...
The Top 5 Products for Rats
Wondering about how to get rid of rats? Confused about rodent control? Not sure about which rat traps or rat bait stations to get? We have the Top 5 products to meet your needs. 1.Tomcat® Rat Killer Refillable Bait Station & Blocks The Tomcat® Rat Killer Refillable Bait Station...
What types of rats and mice are a problem in Canada?
More than 2,200 species of rodents exist around the world. In Canada, four types of rodents cause the most problems for homes and businesses: Norway Rat – This large rat also is called a brown rat or sewer rat. On average, it measures about 16 inches (41 cm) long...
Why are rats in my yard and garden?
Like mice, rats need food, water and shelter. During the COVID-19 pandemic, rats moved into neighbourhoods since their main source of food – restaurant dumpsters and sidewalk garbage cans – were empty. Construction of new buildings and roads also will disturb rats, causing them to seek shelter elsewhere. What do...
Why are mice in my house?
Like all animals, mice need food, water and shelter to survive. They can find all three in your home or commercial building. Mice typically come inside to nest when the weather turns cold, but they also may live indoors year-round if food and water are readily available. Mice eat...
How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats
To get rid of mice and rats, follow these 4 steps: Inspect – Identify where the rodents are active. Look for feces, gnawing, damaged food packaging, tracks (footprints), and the worn, greasy trails they commonly travel. Find where they are entering the building, such as through cracks, holes for...
Rodents and your health
Rats and mice spread disease. Rodents are responsible for some of the most devastating disease outbreaks of all time. More than 10 million people have died in the past century from rodent-borne disease. The diseases spread by mice and rats include bubonic plague, hantavirus, typhus, rickettsia, Lyme disease, dysentery, and...
When are Bugs and Rodents Most Active?
Bugs, rats and mice cause more problems for homes and businesses at certain times of the day and the year. Learn when they’re most active so you can act early to prevent major pest problems. When are carpenter ants most active? Carpenter ants are most active in spring and...
About Rats and Mice
Rats and mice are rodents. They are highly adaptable and some of the most successful mammals on earth. Rats and mice thrive in all types of urban and rural environments in just about every part of the world. Some rodent species prefer to live among humans, which gives them...
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