Tiny flies are invading my kitchen. How do I get rid of them?
Not only are small flies in the kitchen annoying and gross, but they also may spread bacteria that make you sick.
To eliminate the flies, you must find where they are breeding and laying eggs, which is usually in decaying material. This is easier to find if you know the species of small fly causing the problem.
Fruit flies prefer the early stage of decay, such as over-ripe bananas, rotting onions or liquid fermenting in the recycling bin. They have black or red eyes.
Drain or moth flies breed in the mucky film that collects in drains and disposals. They have a fuzzy appearance.
Phorid flies prefer advanced decay: dead animal carcasses, waste leaking from broken sewer lines, the sludge in drains and garbage bins. They skip before taking flight.
Fungus gnats are drawn to rotting organic material in the soil of overwatered house plants. They have long wings and spindly legs.
(Not one of these? You might have a pantry moth problem.)
There are specific ways to control each small fly species, say Pest HQ experts, but in general:
- Dispose of rotting produce, and clean and disinfect cabinets, garbage pails and recycling bins.
- Use glue boards, fruit fly traps, flying insect traps and fly lights to kill adult fruit flies.
- Apply an enzyme - or microbe-based cleaner to drains to eliminate the muck where flies lay eggs.
- Repair leaking sewer pipes and remove dead animals in or near the structure.
- Let potted plants dry out thoroughly before the next watering. Apply beneficial bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis), nematodes, or insecticidal soap to soil.
Questions? Contact Pest HQ.
Sources for reference
How to get rid of small flies:
Glue boards:
Fruit fly traps:
Flying insect traps:
Fly lights:
Drain cleaners: