Having a bad odour appear in your home is distressing… and potentially expensive.
We know one homeowner who smelled a cloying, gag-inducing odour in her laundry room. The smell quickly permeated the entire space. Fearing a cracked sewer pipe, she called plumber.
The plumber inspected pipes and ran tests, which cost several hundred dollars. His verdict: You have a dead mouse in the wall.
What does a dead mouse smell like?
Some people say a dead mouse smells like rotting cabbage. Others liken it to roadkill in summer. Gases escaping a decaying mouse cause the pungent odour to disperse, which makes it hard to pinpoint exactly where it is coming from.
To eliminate dead-mouse odours, the DIY experts at Pest HQ recommend removing the mouse carcass wearing gloves. Then install professional-grade Earth Care Odour Remover Bags. The bags eliminate odours in 24 hours, last 3-4 months, and don’t contain chemicals, toxins or fragrances.
Of course, the best way to eliminate dead-mouse odours is to prevent mice from getting into your home.
What do bad drains smell like?
It’s also possible something else is causing the odour: a scummy drain.
Bad drains smell strongly of decay. This occurs when food, soap or hair in a sink, tub or floor drain breaks down into a slimy muck coating the inside of the pipe and grate cover. Left untreated, the sludge becomes a breeding ground for drain flies and clogs the pipe.
Smelly drains are easy to identify: The smell gets worse the closer to the drain you get.
The best way to fix a smelly drain is to regularly apply Invade HotSpot, say PestHQ experts. Favored by professionals, the probiotic foam contains natural, scum-eating microbes that clean the drain. Citrus oil eliminates the odour.
Questions? Contact PestHQ.
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How to get rid of mice and rats
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