Doing DIY ant control? Here’s a tip: Carpenter ants like different kinds of food at different times of the year.
This means the ‘food’ – or insecticide bait – that you set out to kill them might not work. If carpenter ants are ignoring the bait, it’s probably time to switch up the menu.
What do carpenter ants eat?
Carpenter ants are omnivores. They eat all kinds of food. Mostly, they prefer sweet foods.
Sweet foods found outdoors include honeydew, which is made from plant sap, as well as fruit and plant juices. In your home, sweets might be cookie crumbs, fruit or spilled soda or jam.
Carpenter ants forage for sweets nearly year-round except for a short period in spring and early summer. This is when they switch to protein to feed baby ant larvae developing back in the nest.
During their protein phase, carpenter ants prey on other insects and bugs. Inside your home, they forage for grease, meat and eggs.
Questions? Contact Pest HQ to learn more about the best DIY ant killers in Canada.