They don’t call them Bed Bugs for nothing.
They could be in your clothes hamper, your dresser, or behind your mirror, but their favorite place?
Your bed.
And you’re their next meal!
How do you know if you have them, and how do you prevent them?
3 simple solutions for DIY pest control!
1. Mattress Encasement
2. Bed Bug Monitors
It's better to have bed bugs visit a device, rather than you and your bed! Monitors are are very cost effective way to assist in monitoring. This will keep you one step ahead of any potential problems.
3. Diatomaceous Earth
If you start to feel suspicious about bed bugs, Diatomaceous Earth can be used on bed frames, joints, mattresses, tufts and seems, floors and baseboards. The formulation contains of two food grade baits that attracts certain insects to stay longer on treated surfaces and to eat the powder.
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