Diatomaceous Earth
Carpenter ants in winter?
During cold weather, carpenter ants typically enter a state of dormancy. But if you have a nest in your home, mild temperatures (hello, global warming!) and even warmth from central heating can “awaken” them. You’ll see the ants walking around, moving a bit slow. And you’ll likely find them...
Holiday guests are arriving. What if they bring bed bugs with them?
For anyone worried about bed bugs, having overnight guests can be stressful. What if guests accidently bring blood-sucking bed bugs into your home? The bugs are savvy hitchhikers. They cause itchy, red welts and can be hard to eliminate. Of course, you could ask out-of-town guests to stay...
Garden Pests
What is attacking my plants? It’s summer and the garden is thriving. Until it’s not. Overnight, flowers and vegetables appear deformed and full of holes. Plants are wilted, sooty and generally unhappy. Unfortunately, garden pests have found your delectable plants. At Pest HQ, we’ve heard this a lot...
Pest control supplies near me
When unwanted bugs, mice or rats invade your home, you want to know – Where can I get pest control products near me? Sure, you can head to the nearest big box store. But there, you’re pretty much on your own to choose the best products and approach...
Should I worry about bed bugs?
Getting together for the holidays is so much fun… unless you’ve returned home only to find you have bed bugs. Bed bugs are crafty hitchhikers. You can pick them up in hotel rooms, by riding public transit or merely sitting on infested furniture. Guests also may bring them...
Can DIY pest control really get results?
To Get Rid of Bugs and Rodents, follow this #1 Rule People often ask Pest HQ experts if it’s really possible to get rid of bugs and rodents on their own. The answer: ABSOLUTELY! Unfortunately, many people don’t follow the #1 rule of successful DIY pest control: KNOW...
I killed a roach in the bathroom. Are there more?
Most likely, yes. Unfortunately, roaches reproduce quickly. Even a single roach accidently brought into your home can become many. That’s because a female cockroach can lay up to 300 eggs, spawning six generations of cockroaches, in her one-year lifetime. The pest also may go unnoticed in your...
How long does it take to get rid of bed bugs for good?
How long does it take to get rid of bed bugs for good? The short answer? About 28 days. Waiting is the only way to know if your bed bug control efforts are successful. When you’ve gone 4 weeks without getting any new bed bug bites, you can...
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