Phorid Flies
Get rid of restaurant pests: Clean the drains!
No one wants to dine (or work) in a restaurant full of vermin. It’s disgusting and unsanitary. Cockroaches, flies and rodents spread disease and cause foodborne illness. It’s why health departments shut down eateries with these pests. Floor drains are a hotspot for pest activity. Organic matter gets swept...
Tiny flies are in my bathroom. What do I do?
Finding little flies in your bathroom isn’t just annoying. It’s potentially dangerous. That’s because small flies may transmit disease. They breed in the decaying muck found in drains and other unsanitary places. Then they may transfer those pathogens to where they land next. Hello, toothbrush? Ewww. To get...
Can DIY pest control really get results?
To Get Rid of Bugs and Rodents, follow this #1 Rule People often ask Pest HQ experts if it’s really possible to get rid of bugs and rodents on their own. The answer: ABSOLUTELY! Unfortunately, many people don’t follow the #1 rule of successful DIY pest control: KNOW...
Tiny flies are invading my kitchen. How do I get rid of them?
Tiny flies are invading my kitchen. How do I get rid of them? Not only are small flies in the kitchen annoying and gross, but they also may spread bacteria that make you sick. To eliminate the flies, you must find where they are breeding and laying eggs,...
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