“Tens of thousands of bed bugs”
It was the worst bed bug infestation an Arizona exterminator had ever seen: “The bed bugs were an inch or inch-and-a-half-deep in the carpet,” he told KKTV News. The Arizona resident had battled bed bugs in her home for five years without success, living in horrific conditions among “tens...
Ticks are getting worse in Canada
This spring, it’s more important than ever to be tick aware. Why? Health Canada says the population of ticks that spread disease in Canada is increasing due to warming temperatures. Many species of ticks can make us sick but the biggest worry is the blacklegged tick, which transmits...
Carpenter Ants and What They Eat
Doing DIY ant control? Here’s a tip: Carpenter ants like different kinds of food at different times of the year. This means the ‘food’ – or insecticide bait – that you set out to kill them might not work. If carpenter ants are ignoring the bait, it’s probably time...
Should I worry about ants inside and outside the house?
It’s okay to worry about finding ants in the house. Some, like carpenter ants, can seriously damage your home. They tunnel through wood timbers, weakening the structure. Other ants are an unpleasant nuisance. They may appear suddenly in great numbers, trailing across countertops and contaminating your food. Should...
Pest control supplies near me
When unwanted bugs, mice or rats invade your home, you want to know – Where can I get pest control products near me? Sure, you can head to the nearest big box store. But there, you’re pretty much on your own to choose the best products and approach...
Should I worry about bed bugs?
Getting together for the holidays is so much fun… unless you’ve returned home only to find you have bed bugs. Bed bugs are crafty hitchhikers. You can pick them up in hotel rooms, by riding public transit or merely sitting on infested furniture. Guests also may bring them...
Heard a bump in the night?
It may be attic critters. Here’s what to do. If you hear a strange noise at night, pay attention. It may not be your imagination. Consider what happened to an affluent homeowner we heard about: She believed claims of strange noises at night were just her “kids being...
Rats are on the move this fall
Rats are on the move this fall. Get tips to protect your home, children and pets. If you’ve seen more rats out and about lately, you’re not alone. We’ve noticed it, too. Just before midnight recently, our Pest HQ colleague heard a noise out on her deck. She thought...
Can DIY pest control really get results?
To Get Rid of Bugs and Rodents, follow this #1 Rule People often ask Pest HQ experts if it’s really possible to get rid of bugs and rodents on their own. The answer: ABSOLUTELY! Unfortunately, many people don’t follow the #1 rule of successful DIY pest control: KNOW...
Tiny flies are invading my kitchen. How do I get rid of them?
Tiny flies are invading my kitchen. How do I get rid of them? Not only are small flies in the kitchen annoying and gross, but they also may spread bacteria that make you sick. To eliminate the flies, you must find where they are breeding and laying eggs,...
My kid went to summer camp and now we have bed bugs. What do we do?
My kid went to summer camp and now we have bed bugs. What do we do? Bed bugs were not the summer memory you expected, but yep, they arrived home with your child from camp. What a nightmare! It’s okay to be upset. Bed bugs invade the space where...
Mosquitoes are ruining our backyard fun!
Mosquitoes are ruining our backyard fun. How can we eliminate them naturally? Nothing is worse than swatting mosquitoes when you’re trying to relax outdoors. The buzzing pests are highly annoying, and their bites cause itchy, red welts. Even worse: Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like West Nile virus, a serious illness that...
Rats in the garden?
Rats in the garden are increasingly common. Here’s how to protect your produce, pets and children. You do not want to see rats running in and around your garden, especially when pets and children play nearby. Unfortunately, this has become more common. Rats moved into neighbourhoods during the...
Why are small moths in my kitchen?
And how do I make them go away? First, you saw a single small moth flying about the kitchen. Now moths are swarming the light during your evening meal. What’s going on? Most likely, you have a pantry moth infestation. Pantry moths are brought into the home in infested...
It’s tick season. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and pets.
It’s tick season. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and pets. It’s finally nice enough to spend time outdoors. Unfortunately, it’s also the season for blood-sucking ticks. About 40 species of ticks are found in Canada. Of greatest concern: the blacklegged tick, also called the deer tick,...
I killed a roach in the bathroom. Are there more?
Most likely, yes. Unfortunately, roaches reproduce quickly. Even a single roach accidently brought into your home can become many. That’s because a female cockroach can lay up to 300 eggs, spawning six generations of cockroaches, in her one-year lifetime. The pest also may go unnoticed in your...
My house is crawling with stinkbugs! What now?!?
Why is my home is crawling with stinkbugs? On a warm, sunny day in spring, you may be shocked to find the inside of your home swarming with stink bugs. Don’t fret! Although they look intimidating and emit a foul odor when squished, these pests do not harm or...
I saw a mouse! Now what?!?
Discovering a mouse in the house is very upsetting. So is finding proof that one has been inside. Yep, we’re talking mouse turds. Gross! Thankfully, you can solve this problem by following advice from the rodent experts at Pest HQ: Know your foe. Learn about mice, such as...
How long does it take to get rid of bed bugs for good?
How long does it take to get rid of bed bugs for good? The short answer? About 28 days. Waiting is the only way to know if your bed bug control efforts are successful. When you’ve gone 4 weeks without getting any new bed bug bites, you can...
How to Prevent Bed Bugs in College and University Residences
With the new school year fast approaching, College and University students are now starting to make their way back to campus. Unfortunately, this is a time when we see bed bug infestations start to rise. Bed bugs have been long been known to infest entire post-secondary residences and other forms...